About Us

Alan Mills is the Managing Director of Falcon Global and CEO of Global Falcon Americas.  He is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST).Alan Mills, is a certified Expert Witness, qualified through Pearson to Level 7 (Masters level) in Expert Witness Evidence.He specialises in Systems Completion, Commissioning & Start-Up (CSU) and has been vetted by the UK Register of Expert Witnesses. Mr Alan Mills at www.jspubs.comOn accepting instructions from a solicitor, Alan Mills can determine the issues, produce an Expert Report and express an independent opinion on matters relating to Systems Completion and Commissioning & Start-Up (CSU).This is important because when a project has failed and the parties are irreconcilable, it is in Systems Completion and the CSU phase that whatever issues caused these…
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